The Interactive Entertainment Technology patents enable actual First Person Integration & Interaction into decades of existing entertainment audio and video. With 14 issued patents covering hundreds of patented technology claims, 11 patents pending, and already a successful proof of concept of one of it's patented entertainment verticals, IET stands to ignite the consumer entertainment industry across all mediums including music, television, movies, dance, and performance art education. IET patented technology represents a TRUE convergence of the Internet and traditional recorded Music, Television, & Movies.
By utilizing the IET technology, a person can virtually insert themselves into actual original productions and artist performances and literally perform as a first-person participant with decades of the world's most popular and iconic audio, television, and movie productions. For example, with the IET patents you can play guitar, drums, or sing as a "member" of the Rolling Stones or U2, act opposite Marlon Brando in The Godfather, or do the moonwalk step by step with Michael Jackson or your favorite dancers from Dancing With The Stars…all within the actual original artist and studio productions.
The IET patent portfolio is the gateway to billions of dollars of revenue that can be realized through this new form of consumer entertainment and engagement with existing recorded audio & video entertainment which can now be merged together with highly sought after Social Media distribution, monetization and consumer interaction. IET is leading the way into a new era of entertainment consumption, enjoyment, and monetization. It has endless licensing, television and online opportunities to integrate the consumer into both original content and iconic recorded entertainment.
In addition to vast interactive entertainment patent portfolio, IET's patented Performance Network is the worlds first synchronized multi-stream online video technology for musicians, actors, singers, and dancers creating an infinite number of virtual multi-artist performances with absolute precision. The IET Performance Network enables multiple performers to sync together via the Internet as one cohesive performance group from the comfort of their own homes...in different locations throughout the world...at different times...performing in exact synchronization...coming together as one seamless virtual performance troupe.
This patented technology allows extensive online Social Media opportunities as it creates revolutionary online consumer collaboration as well as virtual education, rehearsal, and audition platforms with countless licensing opportunities. It allows for international competitions, new artist search, virtual performance art collaborations, as well as an opportunity to hold virtual rehearsals and virtual studio sessions without the performers ever being together in the same place globally. The potential for television or Internet original programming is immense with this patented platform...and only possible with IET.